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Penalties reminder


* Regarding account sharing:

We reserve the right to ban all accounts linked to a third-party person who has been banned as a result of an infraction.
Therefore, if you log into an account that does not belong to you and this account is banned for any reason, your own account may be banned as well.

To explain this, here are some practical examples:

- If you exploit a bug on one of your accounts, we will now ban all your accounts for the same duration as the said account.
- You exploit a bug that allows you to get lots of items. A friend logs into the same account: all of their accounts will also be banned for the same duration as the said account.
- You are banned for insulting in the Trade Chat. You come back with another account and start insulting again. All your accounts will be banned for an extended period.

If you share your account, it is at your own risk. The penalty will still be applied without warning. All requests sent to the support will be systematically closed without any answer.

We also reserve the right to refuse any requests for stolen items following an account loan.

* Regarding the sale/purchase (or attempted sale/purchase) of items or accounts in Euros or any currency :

- The seller and all their accounts will be permanently banned without warning.
- The buyer and all their accounts will be permanently banned without warning.

* Regarding the use of third-party software such as cheats, botting and others:

- All accounts will now be permanently banned without warning.
All requests sent to the support will be systematically closed without any answer.

* Regarding in-game scams:

- All accounts (and linked accounts) of the scammer will first be temporarily banned and the items returned to the owner. In the case of a second infraction, the ban will be permanent.


The Dragonica team

Next Battlesquare
