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Abyssal Zone


We have introduced a new map called "Abyssal Zone" a few months ago. We have had a number of feedback which has allowed us to completely review the system and improve it.
This zone has now been in the test phase for a few days and should be released soon.

* What is the Abyssal Zone?

The Abyssal Zone is a PvE zone where PvP will be active. You will therefore be able to kill any player in it.

* Where do I enter the Abyssal Zone?

- You can enter the Abyssal Zone at Ellora Camp.
- The zone will be on a specific channel (similar to the Elga channel) so that players can be grouped together.
- Any logout in the zone will cause you to reappear at Ellora Camp.

* What are the entry requirements?

- You must be level 70+ to enter.
- The zone will be open every day from 18:00 to 01:00 (Paris time).
- You will need a certain amount of Emblems of Merit (EM) to enter.
- The Emblems of Merit (EM) will be obtained automatically by killing bosses (Lavalon, Paris, Arcadia, Isoris, Alruwman etc...) that are no more than 10 levels away from your character. They can thus be collected during the levelling phase of a character in order to have entries as early as level 70.
- The maximum number of Emblems of Merit (EM) will be capped per character.
- If you meet all the entry requirements, you will randomly appear in the zone with an invincibility time of a few seconds.

* The PvE:

- You will gain Essences of the Abyss (EA) by slaying monsters in the zone.
- Essences of the Abyss (EA) can be traded for rewards specific to the zone.
- Essences of the Abyss (EA) can also be traded for a temporary PvE buff.
- A rare monster will sometimes appear in the zone and will give more Essences of the Abyss (EA).
- The maximum number of Essences of the Abyss (EA) will be capped per character.

* The PvP:

- Slaying other people in this zone will allow you to recover a percentage of the Essences of the Abyss from the target.
- Skills blocked in PvP/BSQ will be blocked in this zone.
- Evade Rate will be disabled.
- The PvE buff will be disabled.
- An HP buff will be enabled within the area.
- You will not lose experience when slayed.
- Feathers will be disabled.
- You will be able to resurrect against an amount of Golds and you will reappear randomly in the zone with an invincibility time of a few seconds.
- Parties will be disabled.
- A ranking will be available via the menu Esc => Rank to see the character having slayed the most people. Each month, this ranking will be reset and a statue with the image of the base class of the person at the top with their name will be displayed until the next reset of the ranking.
Note: The staff retains the right to check and reset a character’s kills count if they abuse the system.


The Dragonica Team

Prochaine Arène
