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Event : Halloween Fan Art

Hello everyone,

To celebrate Halloween, I propose a creative event on the theme of Halloween! The event begins now and will end on Tuesday October 22, 2019.

The principle is simple: Make a drawing of Dragonica on the theme of Halloween, you can produce your character or different characters of the game time that the theme of Halloween is respected. Add 1 member of the team (Zephyr, Tivise, Hiymee, rootKit, Shack, Hana, Abys) you like or hate the most to tell a festive story or .... terrifying !

Accepted formats: paper drawings (paintings, colorings, drawings) or digital drawings
Each participant will be rewarded according to the quality and the originality of the proposed drawing.
The reward for the first place will be determined according to the quality of the drawing, there are between 2,000 and 7,500 dps to the key !

But that's not all, the winner's nickname will be used for an NPC of the upcoming Alruwman expansion.
To participate send your drawing to [email protected]

Warning! You will only be able to participate once, making several drawings will not increase your chances of winning.
The votes will be done internally with the Dragonica team.

Artists, let's drawing! Have a good week!


The Dragonica Team

Prochaine Arène
