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Patch Notes 0.919.414


Here is the patch note of the 0.919.414 update released this morning:

*Global Changes:

- The user interface has been updated: the information boxes are now slightly wider to allow for the display of more information.
- The URF mode is back with a bang! Starting now, every weekend, the URF BRAWL mode will be accessible in the BSQ at 4:30 PM (Paris Time) for Asia BSQ and at 8:30 PM (Paris Time) for EU BSQ.
- The market item search function has been fixed for all languages. Please re-register your items on the market to ensure the search operates correctly. After this update, it will not be necessary to re-register your items on the market in the future.
- The waiting time to obtain boxes and to select them has been significantly reduced in Isoris, Alruwman, Horizons, and Dalcia.
- Moving forward, players must contribute at least 10% in the boss room to qualify for rewards in the boxes. If this criterion is not met, the chosen box will turn out to be empty. Only in Horizons and Dalcia dungeons.
- Horizon's repeatable quests have been deleted. Residues will now be granted automatically after defeating the boss if the 10% participation condition is met.
Note: During the event of Divine Rain, the loot will be adjusted to provide an amount of ingredients equal to what would be obtained during a quest influenced by Divine Rain.
- Certain cinematics in Divine dungeons have been eliminated.
- The icon indicating the legendary status of a IM costume is now available in English and Chinese, adapting to the language selected in the game.
The interface for converting artifact IM costume into legendary IM costume has been updated to display the quality icons in the language chosen by the player in the game settings.
- Removal of the Valentine's Day event

*Event : Divine Rain Horizons

The event will be available from February 22th, 09:00 AM, until March 7st, 2024, 09:00 AM (Paris Time).

The Divine Stone acquisition rate has been doubled in Horizons divine dungeons.
Boss death rewards have been doubled, which means you can get twice as many rewards as usual.
Additionally, you will have the opportunity to temporarily obtain "Medal Point +1" related to each Horizons divine dungeon.
These medal point additions are related to each divine dungeon and allow you to add +1 to the current dungeon medal counter.

We are currently working on new content that should be arriving soon. Divine equipment 7* and above will be essential to fully enjoy this new content. Don't miss out on the Divine Rain event!


The Dragonica Team

Prochaine Arène
