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Patch Notes 0.919.427


Here is the patch note of the 0.919.427 update released this morning:

*Global Changes:

- A class change scroll item is now available in the cash shop.
To change your class, you will need to unequip all your equipped items (equipment, IM suits, costumes, as well as your runes).
Please note that support will not allow a return to the previous state.
- Fixed an issue affecting x3.0 amplification statistics that were not applying correctly.
- Corrected the server time, which was delayed due to the power outage on Tuesday, April 9.
- An x3 EXP event has been set up until Sunday night at 11:59 PM.

* Events: Pets Celebration + Divine Storm

The events end on Thursday, April 18, 2024.

Throughout the event, you have the opportunity to acquire PetEssentials Kit from all monsters in the game.
In these kits, you can find the following items:

- Pet Increase Stone
- Pet Dye Potion
- Premium Pet Food
- Pet Food
- [Riding Pet] Hover Ride egg
- [Riding Pet] Hydron Jet Shooter Alpha 1st stage egg
- [Riding Pet] Hydron Jet Shooter Omega 1st stage egg
- [Riding Pet] Hydron Jet Shooter Hyper 1st stage egg
- Pet Option Changer
- Super Pet Option Changer
- Scroll of options for pets
- Pet Soul

Additionally, the Divine Stone acquisition rate has been doubled in divine dungeons.
Boss death rewards have been doubled, which means you can get twice as many rewards as usual.
Additionally, you will have the opportunity to temporarily obtain "Medal Point +1" related to each divine dungeon.
These medal point additions are related to each divine dungeon and allow you to add +1 to the current dungeon medal counter.


The Dragonica Team

Prochaine Arène
